Paris Olympics on the brink: Macron addresses looming threats and mounting costs – Will France pull through?

The countdown for the Paris Olympic Games has begun, with just 102 days left before the grand opening.

Macron breaks silence on Olympics #

The French President, Emmanuel Macron, has chosen this crucial time to voice his thoughts on the upcoming event.

In a recent interview with BFMTV, Macron discussed the challenges of hosting the games in the current economic climate. The cost of the Olympics, in particular, is a hot topic given France’s strained finances.

The self-financing Olympics? #

« The Games finance the Games, » Macron asserted in response to concerns about the financial burden on France’s public sector. The French government and the Olympic Organising Committee have consistently maintained this stance. However, it’s worth noting that while sponsors fund the administrative aspects, infrastructure development falls on the nation’s treasury.

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Estimates suggest that the state and local authorities will shell out around 2.4 billion euros. However, Pierre Moscovici, president of the Cour des comptes, believes the cost could rise to 3 billion euros. The total bill of the Paris Olympics is currently around 9 billion euros, but as not all expenses have been accounted for, the final bill is expected to exceed 10 billion euros.

Strike threats loom over the games #

Another concern is the potential for strikes during the Olympics. Macron has conveyed confidence in the trade unions and their « sense of responsibility ». He has indirectly appealed to unions such as the CGT and FO, which have filed strike notices for the Olympic period.

« France is a team; it’s a united nation. So, we are up to the task of this exemplarity, » the French President stated. His call to the unions was clear, « We will all be vigilant, but we will show that France knows how to organise a grand event, being exemplary on labour rights, on work safety. So, yes to the Olympic truce. »

Paris transport challenges #

Macron also touched upon the issue of Parisian transport. He acknowledged the outdated state of the Paris metro, which is not equipped to accommodate persons with reduced mobility during the Games.

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« We are not totally up to the task, we know it very well. But it would take tens of billions of euros to transform the metro, » Macron justified. Nevertheless, he assured that the open lines « are accessible ».

He further revealed plans to deploy 1,000 accessible taxis and stressed the need for a collective shift in mentality to make the city more accessible. « It’s also about everyday gestures, » he added.

Here is a summary of Macron’s comments:

💰 The Cost: The total cost is estimated to exceed 10 billion euros, with the state and local authorities contributing approximately 2.4 to 3 billion euros.
🚧 Strike Concerns: Macron is optimistic that unions will display responsibility and uphold the Olympic truce.
🚇 Transport Issues: Despite concerns about the metro’s suitability for persons with reduced mobility, 1,000 accessible taxis will be deployed.


  • How much will the Paris Olympics cost?The total cost is expected to exceed 10 billion euros.
  • Who is funding the Olympics?The state and local authorities are expected to contribute 2.4 to 3 billion euros towards infrastructure. The rest is financed by sponsors.
  • What is Macron’s stance on potential strikes during the Olympics?Macron has expressed confidence in the unions and called for an Olympic truce.
  • Are there concerns about transport during the games?Yes, particularly about the Paris metro’s suitability for persons with reduced mobility. However, 1,000 accessible taxis will be deployed.
  • Who is responsible for making the city more accessible?Macron stressed that it’s a collective responsibility, with everyday gestures playing a crucial role.

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